If you have been working in or in relation with the forex trading market, then you will know that this happens to be one of the most lucrative businesses existing, with huge possibilities of getting decent returns from your investments. At the same time, however, the possibility of losing your money due to ill-fated decisions is also high. You need to have your finger on the beating pulse of the currency market in order to make it big in this niche business. Sounds like navigating a minefield right? A forex signal provider can make this job easier for you — helping you plan your every move in the forex marketplace. With a reliable signal provider, you can let go of all your anxiety and take the bull that is forex trading by its horns. How to hire the best free forex signal provider, you may ask? Here is a list of questions that will help you in making this decision. How do they generate forex trading signals? There are two types of signal providers out there — one that uses forex ...